Green Years ...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Google Bombing and Its Effects

Google bombing has been proven to be an effective way to gets public attention during the last 2-3 years. Google bombing means that when some bloggers want to get public attention start to give link to a special issue, and whenever that the number of links are too much over the net, the ranking of that special issue (keyword) for search in google takes place in a very high rank and maybe the first rank.

The google bombing in Persian blogospher first happened when Persian bloggers linked through a keyword Arabian Golf to a page explaining that "Arabian Golf does not exist and the correct name is Persian Gulf." Another big movement in google bombing in Persian blogospher happened last week, when Perisan bloggers, tried to force the hardliners in Iran to release journalist Akbar Ganji, by linking through the keyword "Human Rights" to a page about his imprisonment and torture. The Iranian hardliners noticed about that and smartly released him from jail after 5 years being in prison.


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