Green Years ...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Ganji's Hunger Strike

Akbar Ganji, the Iranian famous journalist is in his 36th day of hunger strike in prison. He has challenged the power of Iranian dictator, Ali Khamenei. Khamenei has ordered directly not to let him be released from prison. Ali Khamenei's direct representative, Saeed Mortazavi, once has killed under torture the Iranian-born Canadian journalist, Zahra Kazemi, about 2 years ago, after raping her in prison.

What is expected from such fanatic jerks, claim-to-be religious people?! I wish I could do something to help him and other political prisoners in Iran. I am really that angry from all hardliners that wish all could be executed in the wildest form possible. Saeed Mortazavi has said in a private meeting some days ago that "Kazemi has been killed, then human right organizations and some countries announced against us, but after 2 years everybody forgot. Ganji also dies in prison, and nothing will happen. After a while, everybody forgets him."

Ganji in his
first letter since starting of his hunger strike sent out of the prison mentioned "Khamanei will be directly responsible for my death. Mortazavi gets his orders from Khamanei via Hejazi (Khamenei's chief of staff). I am against Khamanei's unlimited lifetime rule because it is contradictory to the rule of people." This letter was written in his 19th day of strike. He sent out his second letter to all free people in the world explaining the goals of his hunger strike.


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