Green Years ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Next Conflict?

Here is the 80-page detailed pre-plans by right-wing politicians in the Atlantic Monthly to attack Iran in 6 months. It seems that right-wing without noticing about the result of what is happening in Iraq, is preparing for another war. I personally don't like hardliners governing in Iran, but Iraq's situation is worse.

Are US public ready for another war?!


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Proshat said...

In Iran general belief is that US is not going to attack Iran.... Why? It seems simple. It is widely believed that US gains a lot of benefits from the hardliner government in Iran. Due to bans on Iran, the oil price is almost controled (since we have to sell oil to buy other materials) &....
I am far from being a polition but I can see that Iran's situation is not as bad as Iraq. The risk of failing for a war against Iran is even higher than the risk on Iraq.... so....


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